Zhuzhou Pushida Technology Co, Ltd.
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Zhuzhou - the largest railway hub in the south, with 230 trains a day

author: Baidu library source: Baidu library Time:2018.12.29.
  Nowadays, more and more friends like to choose convenient and fast trains when they travel. It is a good travel experience to enjoy the scenery along the way on the train. There are many "cities pulled by trains" in our country. Zhuzhou, located in Hunan Province, is one of the most famous.

  Zhuzhou, located in the eastern part of Hunan Province, is located in the lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River. It is one of the eight key industrial cities built in the first batch after the founding of New China. Since 2006, Zhuzhou has maintained the title of No. 1 in the comprehensive strength of six provincial and non-provincial capitals in central China, and is the second largest city in Hunan.

  As we all know, Zhuzhou is one of the "cities towed by trains" in China. It can be said that Zhuzhou is not only an old industrial base in the country, but also a new industrial city. The first electric locomotive and the first aeroengine were born in Zhuzhou, so Zhuzhou is also known as the cradle of Chinese electric locomotives and the capital of Chinese electric locomotives.

  As the Beijing-Guangzhou line, Zhejiang-Jiangxi line and Hunan-Guizhou line meet in Zhuzhou, Zhuzhou has become the largest railway hub in southern China. According to statistics, Zhuzhou Railway Station receives and departs trains every 3 minutes on average, and it receives and departs 230 trains every day. It is one of the five major passenger and freight transport super stations in China.

  Zhuzhou is an ancient city of history and culture and an important birthplace of Yanhuang culture. The ancestor of the Chinese nation and the founder of farming culture, Emperor Yan Shennong, rested in Luyuan Slope, Yanling County, Zhuzhou City. Yandi Mausoleum, also known as the "First Mausoleum of Shenzhou", is a sacred place for Chinese sons and daughters to visit their ancestors.

  Zhuzhou is also a famous city with natural scenery. Taoyuan Cave, the first hole in the world, is a beautiful place for sightseeing, recuperation and summer resort, which is connected with Jinggangshan Scenic Spot, a revolutionary holy place in Jiangxi Province. Youxian Jiubu River Scenic Area has beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery. Chaling Yunyang Mountain is more known as a famous mountain in eastern Hunan. Xiangjiang River is also like a jade belt, flowing through the urban area, known as the "Oriental Rhine River".


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